lbwei space

Groups of Permutation

#Abstract Algebra, Group Theory

Table of Content

More on Groups

Theorem (permutation group)

Let \(A\) be a nonempty set. Then the set \(S_A\) of all permutations of \(A\) is a group under composition.

Let \(S_n\) denote the group of all permutations of the set \(\{1, 2, \cdots n\}\) of \(n\) elements. The group \(S_n\) is called the symmetric group on \(n\) letters. For \(\sigma \in S_n\), we express \(\sigma\) in the form

\[\sigma = \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 2 & \cdots & n \\ \sigma(1) & \sigma(2) & \cdots & \sigma(n) \end{pmatrix},\]

called the two-line notation of \(\sigma\).

For \(\sigma \circ \tau\), we write \(\sigma \tau\).

\(S_n\) is nonabelian for all \(n \ge 3\).

Cycle Notations

For a permutation

\[\sigma = \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 \\ 2 & 3 & 1 & 5 & 4 \end{pmatrix},\]

we could also denote \(\sigma\) by \((123)(45)\) or \((45)(123)\), which are called the cycle notation of \(\sigma\).

Cyclic Permutation

When a permutation only contains one cycle of length \(> 1\), it is called a cyclic permutation (or a cycle) and we can denote this permutation by this cycle for short.


For \(\sigma_1 = (12)(3)(4)(5)\), denote \(\sigma_1\) by \((12)\) for short; for \(\sigma_2 = (1)(2)(345)\), denote \(\sigma_2\) by \((345)\) for short.

We can see that \(\sigma = \sigma_1\sigma_2 = \sigma_2\sigma_1 = (12)(345)\).

可以將 cycle notation 視為 disjoint cycles 的 product

Theorem (cycle notation)

In a permutation group,

  1. every permutation can be written as a product of disjoint cycles;
  2. two disjoint cycles commute.

A cycle of length \(d\) is of order \(d\).

Corollary (order)

If a permutation can be written as a product of disjoint cycles of length \(d_1, \cdots, d_k\) . Then its order is equal to \(\text{lcm}(d_1, \cdots, d_k)\).

\(\sigma\) is of order \(n\): \(\sigma^n = e\).

想想 cyclic groups


Definition (transposition)

A cycle \((ij)\) of length \(2\) in \(S_n\) is a transposition. When \(j=i \pm 1\), it is called an adjacent transposition.

Theorem (product)

Any permutation in \(S_n\) of at least two elements is a product of (adjacent) transposition.


If \(\sigma\) is the identity element, we have \(\sigma = (1,2)(1,2)\). Otherwise, write \(\sigma\) as a product of cycles. Now for a transposition \((i, i+k)\) with \(k \ge 2\), we have

\[(i,i+k) = (i+k,i+k-1)(i,i+k-1)(i+k,i+k-1),\]


which implies that every transposition is a product of adjacent transpositions.

Now for each cycle \((a_1,a_2,\cdots,a_n)\) we have

\[(a_1,a_2,\cdots,a_n) = (a_1,a_n)(a_1,a_{n-1})\cdots(a_1,a_2).\]

Since every cycle is also a product of adjacent transpositions, every permutation can be written as a product of adjacent transpositions.


\[(3,4,1,7) = (3,7)(3,1)(3,4)\]

Theorem (generator)

\[\begin{align*} S_n &= \Big\langle (i,j) \vert 1 \le i \le j \le n \Big\rangle \\ &= \Big\langle (i,i+1) \vert 1 \le i < n \Big\rangle \\ &= \Big\langle (1,j) \vert 1 \le i < n \Big\rangle \\ &= \Big\langle (1,2)(1,2,\cdots,n) \Big\rangle \\ \end{align*}\]



Given a permutation \(\sigma \in S_n\), let

\[C(\sigma) = \#\{(i, j) \vert 1 \le i < j \le n, \sigma(i) > \sigma(j)\},\]

called the number of inversions of \(\sigma\). When \(C(\sigma)\) is even/odd, \(\sigma\) is called an even/odd permutation.

Theorem (# of inversions)

For an adjacent transposition \(\tau\) and a permutation \(\sigma \in S_n\), we have

\[C(\tau \sigma) = C(\sigma) \pm 1.\]

Especially, we have

\[(-1)^{C(\tau \sigma)} = (-1)^{C(\sigma)+1} = (-1)^{C(\tau)}(-1)^{C(\sigma)},\]

since \(C(\tau) = 1\).

Corollary (even permutation)

Given a permutation in \(S_n\), the following are equivalent.

  1. The permutation is even.
  2. The permutation is a product of even numbers of adjacent transpositions.
  3. The permutation is a product of even numbers of transpositions.


\((i, i+k)\) 是 \(2k-1\) 個 adjacent trans. 的乘積,所以對於同一 permutation,transposition 和 adjacent trans. 個數的奇偶性相同。

而長度為 \(n\) 的 cycle \((a_1,a_2,\cdots,a_n)\),是 \(n-1\) 個 trans. 的乘積,所以 A permutation \(\sigma\) of length \(n\) is even iff \(n\) is odd.

Sign Representation

Let \(\text{sgn}: S_n \to \{\pm 1\}\), given by \(\text{sgn}(\sigma)=(-1)^{C(\sigma)}\). Then \(\text{sgn}\) is a group homomorphism.

也就是說,permutation 的奇偶性被保留下來了。

Alternating Groups

Theorem (even permutation forms a subgroup)

If \(n \ge 2\), then the set \(A_n\) of all even permutations of \(\{1,2,\cdots,n\}\) forms a subgroup of order \(n!/2\) of \(S_n\).


First we prove that \(A_n\) is a subgroup.

  • closedness

If \(\sigma_1\) and \(\sigma_2\) are both products of an even number of transpositions, so is \(\sigma_1\sigma_2\).

  • identity

\(e = (1,2)(1,2)\), which is even.

  • inverse

If \(\sigma = \tau_1 \cdots \tau_{2n}\) is a product of an even number of transpositions, then \(\sigma^{-1} = \tau_{2n}^{-1}\cdots\tau_1^{-1}\) is also even.

We now prove that \(\vert A_n \vert = n!/2\). It suffices to prove that the number of even permutations in \(S_n\) is equal to the number of odd permutations in \(S_n\).

Let \(B_n\) be the set of all odd permutations in \(S_n\). (Note that \(B_n\) is not a subgroup since it is not closed under multiplication.) Define \(\lambda: A_n \to B_n\) by \(\lambda(\sigma) = (1,2)\sigma\). We claim that \(\lambda\) is one-to-one and onto, which implies \(\vert A_n \vert = \vert B_n \vert = \vert S_n \vert/2 = n!/2\).

  • one-to-one

If \((1,2)\sigma_1 = (1,2)\sigma_2\), by cancellation law, we have \(\sigma_1 = \sigma_2\). Thus \(\lambda\) is one-to-one.

  • onto

If \(\sigma \in B_n\) is an odd permutation, then \((1,2)\sigma\) is even and we have \(\lambda((1,2)\sigma) = (1,2)(1,2)\sigma = \sigma\). Thus, \(\lambda\) is onto. ◼

Definition (alternating groups)

The subgroup of \(S_n\) consisting of the even permutations of \(n\) letters is the alternating group \(A_n\) on \(n\) letters.

Conjugate and Commute

Lemma (conjugate)

Let \(\sigma\) and \(\tau\) be two elements in \(S_n\). Suppose that \(\sigma = (a_1, a_2 \cdots, a_k)(b_1, b_2\cdots,b_l)\cdots\). Then the conjugate of \(\sigma\) by \(\tau\) is

\[\tau\sigma\tau^{-1} = (\tau(a_1), \tau(a_2) \cdots, \tau(a_k))(\tau(b_1), \tau(b_2)\cdots,\tau(b_l))\cdots .\]

Proof (MIT math)

Theorem (subgroup; elements that commute)

Let \(\pi \in S_n\). Then all the elements in \(S_n\) that commute with \(\pi\) from a subgroup, and we denote it by \(H_\pi\) here. In particular, we have \(\langle \pi \rangle \leq H_\pi\).


Suppose \(\sigma, \tau \in H_\pi\).

  1. \((\sigma\tau)\pi = \sigma(\tau\pi) = \sigma(\pi\tau) = \pi(\sigma\tau)\).
  2. \(e\pi = \pi e\).
  3. \(\pi\tau = \tau\pi \implies \tau^{-1}\pi = \pi\tau^{-1}\). ◼


兩元素可交換,相當於用對方對自己共軛之後,和自己相等!也就是:\(\sigma\pi\sigma^{-1} = \pi\)。於是,我們可以用上述的引理


Let \(G = S_4\) and \(X = \{(1234),(1243),\cdots \}\) be that set of cycls of length \(4\). Let \(G\) acts on \(X\) by conjugation. Determine if the action of \(G\) is faithful.


Since all \(x\in X\) are four cycles, we take \(\sigma_0=(1234)\) for demonstration.

Suppose that \(G\) is not faithful, i.e., there exists \(\pi \in G\), \(\pi \not = e\) such that \(\pi\sigma\pi^{-1} = \sigma\) for all \(\sigma\in X\). By this lemma, we have

\[\pi\sigma_0\pi^{-1} = (\pi(1), \pi(2), \pi(3), \pi(4)) = (1, 2, 3, 4) = \sigma_0.\]

We can see that \(\pi\) must be a \(4\)-cycle or consist of two \(2\)-cycles. Now, let’s try to find the subgroup that contains all the elements that commutes with \(\sigma_0\). First, we have

\[\langle \sigma_0 \rangle = \{e, (1234),(13)(24), (4321) \}.\]

It can be verified that the remaining elements of \(X\), \((12)(34)\), and \((14)(23)\) do not commute with \(\sigma_0\). Thus, \(H_{\sigma_0} = \langle \sigma_0 \rangle\). By symmetry, we can deduce that \(H_{\sigma_1} = \langle \sigma_1 \rangle\) and \(H_{\sigma_2} = \langle \sigma_2 \rangle\), for \(\sigma_1, \sigma_2\in X\). However, \(\pi \in H_{\sigma_0} \cup H_{\sigma_1} \cup H_{\sigma_2}\) = \(\{e\}\), which is a contradiction. Therefore, \(G\) is faithful. ◼
