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Lagrange's Theorem

#Abstract Algebra, Group Theory

Table of Content

Lagrange’s Theorem

Theorem (order of a subgroup)

Let \(H\) be a subgroup of a finite group \(G\). Then the order of \(H\) divides the order of \(G\)。


Since \(G\) is equal to the disjoint union of left cosets of \(H\) and every left coset has the same cardinality as \(H\), we have

\[\vert G \vert = \vert H \vert \times (\text{# of left cosets}).\]

This proves the theorem.

看看這個 theorem

Corollary (order of an element)

The order of an element \(a\) of a finite group \(G\) divides the order of \(G\).

Cauchy’s theorem


Let \(H=\langle a \rangle\), and apply Lagrange’s Thm. ◼


於是 \(g\) 是 \(G\) 的 generator 的充分必要條件就是:For all \(d\) divides \(n\) and \(d\not = n\),

\[g^d \not = 1.\]

Corollary (cyclic)

Every group \(G\) of prime order is cyclic.


Let \(g \in G,\ g \not = e\). We have \(\vert \langle g \rangle \vert\) divides \(\vert G \vert\). Since \(\vert G \vert\) is prime, \(\vert \langle g \rangle \vert\) is either \(1\) or \(\vert G \vert\). The former case is impossible since \(g \not = e\). Then \(\vert \langle g \rangle \vert = \vert G \vert\) implies \(\langle g \rangle = G\), i.e. \(G\) is cyclic.


Definition (index of subgroups)

Let \(H\) be a subgroup of a group \(G\). The number of left cosets of \(H\) is the index of \(H\) in \(G\), which is denoted by \([G:H]\).

Theorem (absorb)

Suppose \(K \le H \le G\), and \([G:H]\) and \([H:K]\) are finite. Then \([G:K]=[G:H][H:K]\).
