lbwei space

Group Structure of NH

#Abstract Algebra, Group, direct product

Table of Content

Group structure of \(NH\)

Can the structures of \(N\) and \(H\) be used to determine the structure of \(NH\)? First consider that both subgroups are normal.

Theorem (two normal subgroups)

Let \(N\) and \(H\) be two normal subgroups of \(G\). Suppose \(N\cap H = \{e\}\), then \(nh = hn\) for all \(h\in H, n\in N\) and \(NH \cong N \times H\).


Since \(H\) is normal, we have that for all \(n\in N\), \(nhn^{-1} \in H\). This also holds for \(N\) and all \(h \in H\). Then the element

\[nhn^{-1}h^{-1} = (nhn^{-1})h^{-1} = n(hn^{-1}h^{-1})\]

is contained in both \(N\) and \(H\). Therefore, \(nhn^{-1}h^{-1} = e\), which implies \(nh = hn\).

Now consider the map \(\rho:N\times H\to NH\) given by \(\rho(n, h) = nh\). We can prove that \(\rho\) is an isomorphism. (Here we only show that \(\text{ker}(\rho) = \{(e, e) \}\).)

Suppose \((n,h)\in\text{ker}(\rho)\), i.e., \(\rho(n, h) = nh = e\). This implies that \(n = h^{-1} \in N\cap H\). Therefore, \(n=h=e\). ◼

Then, consider one subgroup is normal and the other is arbitrary.

Semi-direct product

Now, suppose \(N\) is normal and \(N\cap H = \{e\}\). By this theorem, the elements in \(NH\) can be uniquely represented as \(nh\) for some \(n\in N\) and \(h\in H\). Moreover. the product of two elements \(n_1h_1\) and \(n_2h_2\) can be written as

\[n_1h_1n_2h_2 = n_1(h_1n_2h_1^{-1})h_1h_2 = n_1\rho_{h_1}(n_2)h_1h_2,\]

where \(\rho_{h_1}(x) := h_1xh_1^{-1}\) is an inner automorphism on \(N\).

\(\rho: H\to \text{Aut}(N)\), given by \(h_1\mapsto \rho_{h_1}\).

Then, consider the binary structure \(N \rtimes_{\rho} H\) defined on \(N\times H\) given by

\[(n_1, h_1)*(n_2, h_2) = (n_1, h_1)(n_2, h_2) := (n_1\rho_{h_1}(n_2), h_1h_2).\]

這是定義在 \(N\rtimes_{\rho} H\) 上的乘法,而 \(N\rtimes_{\rho} H\) 的 elements 和 \(N\times H\) 一模一樣!

Let’s first prove that \((N\rtimes_{\rho}H, *)\) is a group:


Expand everything.


\((e_N, e_H)\).


Let \((n_2, h_2) = (n_1, h_1)^{-1}\). Then \((n_1, h_1)(n_2, h_2) = (e, e)\), which means that \(n_1h_1n_2h_1^{-1} = e\) and \(h_1h_2 = e\). Thus we have

\[(n_1, h_1)^{-1} = (n_2, h_2) = (h_1^{-1}n_1h_1, h_1^{-1}). \tag*{$\blacksquare$}\]

Then prove that \((N\rtimes_{\rho}H, *) \cong (NH, \cdot)\). Define \(\phi: NH\to N\rtimes_{\rho}H\) given by \(nh\mapsto (n, h)\). Here we only show that \(\phi\) is a homomorphism:

\[\begin{align*} \phi(n_1h_1n_2h_2) &= \phi(n_1\rho_{h_1}(n_2)h_1h_2) \\ &= (n_1\rho_{h_1}(n_2), h_1h_2) \\ &= \phi(n_1h_1)\phi(n_2h_2). \tag*{$\blacksquare$} \end{align*}\]

Especially, the group \(N\rtimes_{\rho}H\) is called the semi-direct product of \(N\) and \(H\) with respect to \(\rho\).

因為 \(NH\) 是 group,所以證明 \(NH\) 和 \(N\rtimes_{\rho}H\) 同構也就證明了 \(N\rtimes_{\rho}H\) 是 group!

Theorem (semi-direct product)

Let \(H\) and \(N\) be two subgroups of a finite group \(G\). Suppose \(N\) is normal and \(H\cap N = \{e\}\). Then there exists some group homomorphism \(\rho:H\to \text{Aut}(N)\) such that \(NH \cong N\rtimes_{\rho}H\).

當其一 normal 且兩者交集只有 identity!


The binary structure \((N\rtimes_{\rho}H, *)\) only involves the group operation of \(N\), the group operation of \(H\), and the group homomorphism \(\rho\).

因為 \(NH \leq G\),所以如果 \(\vert NH\vert = \vert G\vert\),則 \(NH=G\)。參考 Three Isomorphism Theorems

Theorem (some properties)

Let \(H\) and \(N\) be two groups and \(\rho\) is a group homomorphism from \(H\) to \(\text{Aut}(N)\). Then \(G_{\rho}=N\rtimes_{\rho}H\) is a group satisfying the following conditions:

  • \(N'= N\times \{e_H\} \cong N\), which is a normal subgroup of \(G_\rho\).
  • \(H'= \{e_N\}\times H\cong H\), which is a normal subgroup of \(G_\rho\).
  • \(N' \cap H' = \{(e, e)\}\) and \(G_{\rho} = N'H'\).
  • For all \(n' = (n, e_H)\in N', h'=(e_N, h)\in H'\),
\[h'n'h'^{-1} = (\rho_h(n), e_H),\]

where \(\rho_h(n) = hnh^{-1}\).

Theorem (all group structures)

Let \(H\) and \(N\) be two subgroups of a finite group \(G\). Suppose

  • \(N\) is normal;
  • \(\vert H\cap N\vert = 1\);
  • \(\vert G\vert = \vert N\vert \vert H\vert\),


\[\{N\rtimes_\rho H \mid \rho: H\to \text{Aut}(N)\}\]

consists all possible group structures of \(G\).

  • 也看看
  • \(\rho: H\to \text{Aut}(N)\) 是 group homomorphism!
  • It is possible that \(N\rtimes_\rho H\cong N\rtimes_{\rho'}H\) for distinct \(\rho\) and \(\rho'\).
  • When \(\rho\) is the trivial homomorphism, \(N\rtimes_\rho H \cong N\times H\).

Theorem (determine structure of \(G\))

Let \(G\) be a group with a normal subgroup \(N=\langle a\rangle\) of order \(n\) and a subgroup \(H=\langle b\rangle\) of order \(m\), where \(\gcd(n, m) = 1\) and \(\vert G\vert=nm\). Then \(G\) is isomorphic to \(N\rtimes_\rho H\) where \(\rho_b(a) = a^k\) for some \(k\) satisfying \(k^m \equiv 1 \pmod n\).

Proof (?)


這裡的 \(\rho\) 一樣是 \(\rho: H\to \text{Aut}(N)\)。因為 \(\rho\) 是 group homomorphism,所以一旦 \(\rho_b(a) = a^k\) 決定了,\(\rho_{b^r}(a)\) 必然是 \({a^k}^r\),於是 \(\rho_b\) 唯一決定了 \(\rho\)(用 generator 就夠)。

又因為 \(b\) 的 order 是 \(m\),於是 \(\rho_{b^m}\) 是 identity map,亦即 \(\rho_{b^m}(a) = a = {a^k}^m\)、對於某些滿足 \(k^m \equiv 1 \pmod n\) 的 \(k\)。


\[N\rtimes_\rho H = \langle a,b\mid a^n=b^m=e, bab^{-1}=a^k\rangle.\]

想想 Dihedral groups

這個定理的意義在於,如果 \(G\) 可以找到兩個 cyclic subgroups(其中一個 normal),我們可以用只牽涉到該 subgroups 的 order 的同餘式,來明確的找出所有 \(G\) 可能的結構!(用到這個定理。)

Check this.


Let \(G\) be a group of order \(39\) with elements \(a\) and \(b\) of order \(13\) and \(3\) respectively. Find all non-isomorphic group structures of \(G\).


By the above theorem, we know that \(G\cong \langle a\rangle \rtimes_\rho \langle b\rangle\), where \(\rho_b(a) = bab^{-1} = a^k\) for some \(k\) satisfies \(k^3 \equiv 1 \pmod{ 13}\).

Note that \(\Bbb Z_{13}^\times \cong \Bbb Z_{12}\), which means that the number of elements of order divisible by \(3\) is the same in the two groups. Then, there \(3\) elements, \(\{0, 4, 8\}\) of order divisible by \(3\), which implies that \(k\) has \(3\) choices. After some calculation, we obtain

\[k = 1, 3, 3^2 = 9.\]

When \(k=1\), we have \(G_1 \cong \Bbb Z_3 \times \Bbb Z_{13}\) for it is abelian.

When \(k=3\) or \(k=9\), we have \(bab^{-1}=a^3\) and \(bab^{-1}=a^9\) respectively. We need to check whether these two groups are isomorphic. First observe that \(b^{-1} = b^2\), and thus let \(c=b^2\). Then

\[c^{-1}ac = a^3 \implies ca^3c^{-1} = a \\ \implies (ca^3c^{-1})^9 = ca^{27}c^{-1} = cac^{-1} = a^9.\]

Therefore, \(G_3\cong G_9\). ◼

\(G\cong \langle a,b\mid a^{13}=b^3=e, bab^{-1}=a^k\rangle\).

Theorem (groups of order \(2p\))

Let \(G\) be a group of order \(2p\) where \(p\) is an odd prime. Then \(G\cong \Bbb Z_{2p}\) or \(D_p\).


By Cauchy’s theorem, \(G\) contains a subgroup \(N=\langle a\rangle\) of order \(p\) and a subgroup \(H=\langle b\rangle\) of order \(2\). Since \([G:N]=2\), \(N\) is normal. Moreover, \(\vert G\vert =\vert N\vert \vert H\vert\) and \(\vert N\cap H\vert =1\). Therefore by this theorem, \(G\) is isomorphic to \(N\rtimes_\rho H\) where \(\rho_b(a) = a^k\) for some \(k\) with \(k^2\equiv 1\pmod p\).

Since \(\Bbb Z_p\) is a field, \(x^2=1\) has at most \(2\) distinct zeros; here, \(1\) and \(-1\).

When \(k=1\), \(\rho\) is the trivial homomorphism, which implies that

\[N\rtimes_\rho H \cong N\times H\cong \Bbb Z_p\times \Bbb Z_2 \cong \Bbb Z_{2p}.\]

When \(k=-1\), \(bab^{-1} = \rho_b(a) = a^{-1}\), which implies that

\[N\rtimes_\rho H = \langle a, b\mid a^p=b^2=e, bab^{-1}=a^{-1}\rangle \cong D_p. \tag*{$\blacksquare$}\]
