lbwei space


#Abstract Algebra, Ring

Table of Content

Definition (ideal)

An additive subgroup \(I\) of a ring \(R\) satisfiying \(aI\subset I, Ib\subset I\) for all \(a,b\in R\) is an ideal of \(R\). Especially, \(I\) is a subring.

\(a\) 和 \(b\) 被 \(I\) 吸收了!

For \(r\in R\) and \(x\in I\), \(rx, xr\in I\).

Proposition (kernel is an ideal)

The kernel of a ring homomorphism is an ideal.


By this lemma.

Theorem (well-defined multi.)

Let \(H\) be a subring of a ring \(R\). The map

\[\times:(a+H, b+H)\mapsto (ab)+H\]

is a well-defined multiplication of additive cosets of \(H\) iff \(H\) is an ideal.



Corollary (additive coset; ring)

Let \(I\) be an ideal of a ring \(R\). The additive cosets of \(I\) form a ring \(R/I\), with addition and multiplication given by

\[\begin{align*} +:(a+I, b+I)\mapsto(a+b)+I, \\ \times:(a+I,b+I)\mapsto(ab)+I. \end{align*}\]

\(R/I\) 讀做 the quotient ring (or factor ring) of \(R\) by \(I\).


  • Let \(R=\Bbb Z\). Then \(n\Bbb Z\) are ideals of \(\Bbb Z\) for all \(n\in \Bbb Z\). The factor rings are \(\Bbb Z/n\Bbb Z\).
    • 任何整數乘上 \(n\) 就被 \(n\Bbb Z\) 吸進去了。
  • Let \(R=\Bbb R[x]\). Then \(\{(x-1)g(x)\mid g(x)\in R \}\) is an ideal of \(R\).
    • 可以把 \((x-1)\) 替換成任意常數以外的多項式!
  • \(\Bbb Z\) is a subring of \(\Bbb Q\), but is not an ideal.

Theorem (principal ideal)

Let \(R\) be a commutative ring, and \(a\) be an element of \(R\). Then the set \(\{ra\mid r\in R \}\) is an ideal, called the principal ideal generated by \(a\), and is denoted by \(\langle a\rangle\) or \(Ra\).

小心!\(Ra\) 不一定包含 \(a\),因為 \(1_R\) 不一定存在(沒有 unity)。

Corollary (eq. propertiey)

\(\langle a\rangle \subset \langle b\rangle \iff a=bc\) for some \(c\in R\). In this case, we also say \(b\) divides \(a\), denoted by \(b\mid a\).

Theorem (ideal as a kernel)

Let \(I\) be an ideal of a ring \(R\). The map \(\gamma: R\to R/I\) defined by \(\gamma: a\mapsto a+I\) is a ring homomorphism with kernel \(I\).


Use this theorem.

Theorem (ring isomorphism theorem)

Let \(\phi: R\to R'\) be a ring homomorphism. Then we have \(R/\text{ker}\phi \cong \phi(R)\).


Let \(I=\text{ker}\phi\). Define \(\phi^*: R/I \to \phi(R)\) by \(\phi^*(a+I) = \phi(a)\). By the first isomorphism theorem for groups, we have proved that \(\phi^*\) is a well-defined additive group isomorphism. It remains to show that \(\phi^*((a+I)(b+I)) = \phi^*(a+I)\phi^*(b+I)\). This follows from the definition of \(\phi^*\). ◼

看看 Three isomorphism theorems

處理 ring 時,當 additive group 搞定後,再把乘法的結合、分配解決就好了!

Theorem (kernel ideal tongue twister)

Let \(\phi: R\to R'\) be a ring homomorphism with kernel \(\text{ker}\phi\). Then there is a bijection between ideals of \(R\) containing \(\text{ker}\phi\) and ideals of \(\phi(R)\).


Let \(K=\text{ker}\phi\). Suppose \(I\) is an ideal of \(R\) containing \(K\). Then

\[I/K = \{K, r_1+K, \cdots, r_{m-1}+K \},\]

for some \(r_i\in R\). That is to say, in the set of all ideals containing \(K\), each of them can be distinguished by the cosets \(r_i + K\) of their own. Moreover, \(I/K\) is also an additive subgroup of \(R/K\), and even an ideal of \(R/K\), for the addition and multiplication defined above!

Then, by the ring isomorphism theorem, \(R/K \cong \phi(R)\). Since the two rings are isomorphic, their ideals must have a bijective correspondence. Therefore the theorem is proved. ◼

發現 \(I/K\) 是 \(R/K\) 的 ideal 非常關鍵!


在定理敘述中,如果 \(I\) 不包含 kernel 的話,\(I/K\) 就不存在了,因為 quotient 根本無法成立。

Theorem (operations on ideals)

In a commutative ring \(R\), there are three basic operations on ideals: (Let \(I\) and \(J\) be two ideals of \(R\).)

  • Sum: \(I+J=\{a+b\mid a\in I, b\in J\},\)
  • Intersection: \(I\cap J\), and
  • Product: \(IJ = \big\{\sum_{i=1}^na_ib_i\mid n\in \Bbb N, a_i\in I, b_i\in J\big\}\).

The results are also ideals of \(R\).

In particular, we have

\[IJ \subset (I\cap J) \subset I,J \subset (I+J).\]

How can we see that \(IJ\) is a subset of \(I\) and \(J\)? Since \(IJ\) must maintain its closedness, all \(i\in I\) and \(j\in J\) in \(IJ\) must also in \(I\cap J\). Thus \(IJ\subset (I\cap J)\subset I, J\).


對於 group 來說,任意 \(g\in G\) 都能在 normal subgroup 左右移動;對於 ring 來說,任意 \(r\in R\) 皆被 ideal 吸收。而且,group homomorphism 的 kernel 是 normal subgroup;ring homomorphism 的 kernel 正是 ideal