lbwei space

More on Ideals

#Abstract Algebra, Ring

Table of Content

Maximal Ideals

Definitions (trivial; proper)

For a nonzero ring \(R\), we define:

  • \(\{0\}\) to be the trivial ideal.
  • \(R\) to be the improper ideal.
  • Any other ideal is a proper non-trivial ideal.

Theorem (ideal => all)

Let \(R\) be a ring with unity. If an ideal \(I\) contains an unit, then \(I=R\).


Let \(u\) be a unit contained in \(I\). Then \(1=u^{-1}u\in I\). It follows that \(r=r1\in I\) for all \(r\in R\). ◼

Corollary (field: no proper, nontrivial ideal)

A field contains no proper nontrival ideals.


Sine any nontrivial ideal of a field contains a unit, it must be the whole field.

Theorem (principal ideal + unit <=> all)

Let \(R\) be a commutative ring with unity. A principal ideal \(Ra\) is equal to \(R\) iff \(a\) is a unit.



Use this theorem.

Definition (maximal ideal)

A proper ideal of a ring \(R\) is a maximal ideal if no proper ideal \(N\) of \(R\) properly contains \(M\). That is, if \(N\) is an ideal such that \(M\subset N\subseteq R\), then \(N=R\).

Proposition (prime; maximal)

Let \(p\) be a prime. Then \(p\Bbb Z\) is a maximal ideal of \(\Bbb Z\).


Let \(I\) be an ideal of \(\Bbb Z\) properly containing \(p\Bbb Z\).

We have

\[p = [\Bbb Z: p\Bbb Z] = [\Bbb Z:I][I:p\Bbb Z].\]

Since \(p\Bbb Z\subset I\), \([I:p\Bbb Z]>1\). This implies that \([I:p\Bbb Z]=p\) for \(p\) is prime. Therefore, \(I=\Bbb Z\). ◼

Theorem (maximal <=> field)

Let \(R\) be a commutative ring with unity. Then \(M\) is a maximal ideal iff \(R/M\) is a field.

Check this.



Suppose \(M\) is a maximal ideal. Since \(R/M\) is a commutative ring with the unity \(1+M\). It remains to show that every \(a+M\not=M\) is a unit.

Since \(a+M\not=M, a\not \in M\). Consider the canonical homomorphism \(\gamma: R\to R/M\) defined by \(\gamma(r) = r+M\). The preimage of \(\langle a+M \rangle\) is \(Ra\), and by this theorem, \(Ra+M\) is also an ideal. Moreover, since \(Ra+M\) contains \(M\) and \(M\) is maximal, \(Ra+M = R\). Therefore, there exist \(m\in M\) and \(r\in R\) such that \(ra+m=1\). It follows that \(ra=1-m \in 1+M\). Thus, \(a+M\) has a multiplicative inverse \(r+M\) in \(R/M\). ◼


Suppose \(R/M\) is a field, and let \(N\) be an ideal of \(R\) properly containing \(M\). We want to show that \(N=R\).

By our assumption, there exists an element \(a\in N\backslash M\). Then \(a+M\not=M\) in \(R/M\), and thus \(a+M\) has a multiplicative inverse \(b+M\) in \(R/M\). This means that \(1-ab\in M\subset N\). Since \(N\) is an ideal, \(ab \in N\), and thus \(1=(1-ab)+ab\in N\). This implies \(N=R\). Therefore \(M\) is maximal. ◼

Alternative proof for \((\Leftarrow)\):

Since \(N\) is an ideal of \(R\) and \(N\) properly contains \(M\), with the canonical homomorphism \(\gamma\) defined above, \(N/M = \gamma(N)\) is a non-trivial ideal of \(\phi(R) = R/M\). To see why \(N/M\) is a non-trivial ideal of \(\phi(R)\), recall from this theorem, and thus we know the trivial ideal of \(\phi(R)\) is \(M\) itself. (Note that by that theorem, \(M\) is the kernel of \(\gamma\).) Since \(R/M\) is a field, the non-trivial ideal \(N/M\) must be the whole field \(R/M\), by this corollary. We conclude that \(N=R\). ◼

Prime Ideals

Definition (prime ideal)

A proper ideal \(P\) in a commutative ring \(R\) is a prime ideal if \(ab\in P\) implies \(a\in P\) or \(b\in P\).


Why this is called prime? See the example below.

Let \(R=\Bbb Z\). If \(n=p\) is a prime and \(ab\in p\Bbb Z\), then \(p\mid ab\), which implies that \(p\mid a\) or \(p\mid b\). Thus, \(ab\in p\Bbb Z\) does imply \(a\in p\Bbb Z\) or \(b\in p\Bbb Z\), i.e., \(p\Bbb Z\) is a prime ideal of \(\Bbb Z\).


More Examples

  • If \(R\) is an integral domain, then \(\{0\}\) is a prime ideal.
    • No zero divisors in \(R\)!

Theorem (prime <=> integral domain)

Let \(R\) be a commutative ring with unity. Then \(P\) is a prime ideal of \(R\) iff \(R/P\) is an integral domain.

Check this.


Since \(R\) is a commutative ring with unity, its quotient ring \(R/P\) is also a commutative ring with unity. We can see that

\[\begin{align*} &R/P \text{ is an integral domain} \\ \iff &(a+P)(b+P)=0+P \implies (a+P=0+P) \lor (b+P=0+P) \\ \iff &ab\in P \implies (a\in P) \lor (b\in P) \\ \iff &P\text{ is a prime ideal.} \tag*{$\blacksquare$} \end{align*}\]

Corollary (maximal => prime)

Every maximal ideal in a commutative ring with unity is a prime ideal.

反之未必!The trivial ideal \(\{0\}\) of \(\Bbb Z\) is a prime ideal but not a maximal one.

由此可知,maximal 是比 prime 更強的性質。


  • Let \(R\) be an integral domain. Then \(\{0\}\) is a prime ideal. We find that \(R/\{0\}\cong R\) is indeed an integral domain.
  • If \(p\) is prime, then \(p\Bbb Z\) is a prime ideal, and \(\Bbb{Z}/p\Bbb{Z} = \Bbb Z_p\) is a field!
    • If \(n\) is not prime, \(\Bbb Z_n\) is not an integral domain.

Lemma (principal and prime)

Let \(R\) be a ring with unity. For all \(a\in R\), if \(\langle a\rangle\) is a prime ideal, then \(a\) is a prime in \(R\).


Since \(\langle a\rangle\) is a prime ideal, whenever \(xy\in \langle a\rangle\), either \(x\) or \(y\) is in \(\langle a\rangle\). And since all elements in \(\langle a\rangle\) can be represented as \(ra\) for some \(r\) in \(R\), we can conclude that \(a\) is a prime in \(R\). ◼

Ideals of Polynomial Rings

Theorem (field => principal)

Let \(\Bbb F\) be a field. Then every ideal \(I\) in \(\Bbb F[x]\) is principal.


If \(I=\{0\}\), \(I=\langle 0\rangle\) is principal. Otherwise, let \(g(x)\) be a nonzero element of \(I\) of minimal degree. We claim that \(I=\langle g(x)\rangle\).

For any \(f(x)\in I\), using the division algoritm can yield \(f(x) = q(x)g(x) + r(x)\), where \(r(x)=0\) must hold, by the minimality of \(\deg g(x)\). Thus, \(f(x)=q(x)g(x)\in \langle g(x) \rangle\), and thus \(I\subseteq \langle g(x)\rangle\).

Conversely, since \(g(x)\in I\), we have \(\langle g(x)\rangle \subseteq I\), and hence \(I=\langle g(x)\rangle\). Therefore, \(I\) is a principal ideal. ◼

Every \(I\) on \(\Bbb Z\) is also principal!

Theorem (maximal <=> irreducible)

An ideal \(\langle p(x)\rangle\) in \(\Bbb F[x]\) is maximal iff \(p(x)\) is irredcible over \(\Bbb F\).



Let \(\langle p(x)\rangle\) be a maximal ideal. We need to prove that

  • \(p(x)\) is not a constant polynomial, and
  • if \(p(x) = f(x)g(x)\), then either \(f(x)\) or \(g(x)\) is a unit in \(\Bbb F[x]\).

If \(p(x)\) is a nonzero constant polynomial, then \(p(x)\) is a unit in \(\Bbb F[x]\) and \(\langle p(x) \rangle = \Bbb F[x]\), contradictiing to the assumption that \(\langle p(x)\rangle\) is maxiaml. Thus, \(p(x)\) is not a constant polynomial.

Now suppose \(p(x) = f(x)g(x)\). Then by this corollary, \(\langle p(x) \rangle \subset \langle f(x)\rangle\). Since \(\langle p(x)\rangle\) is maximal, either \(\langle f(x)\rangle=\Bbb F[x]\) or \(\langle f(x)\rangle = \langle p(x) \rangle\). For the former case, \(f(x)\) is a unit; for the latter case, \(f(x)\in \langle p(x)\rangle\) and \(f(x) = p(x)h(x)\) for some \(h(x) \in \Bbb F[x]\). Then, \(p(x) = f(x)g(x) = p(x)[h(x)g(x)]\), and thus \(h(x)g(x)=1\), implying \(g(x)\) is a unit.


Use a similar argument as above.

Corollary (field <=> irreducible)

The factor ring \(\Bbb F[x]/\langle p(x)\rangle\) is a field iff \(p(x)\) is irreducible over \(\Bbb F\).

By this theorem!

Theorem (irreducible: prime)

Check here.

Proof (use ideals)

Since \(p(x)\) is irreducible, by the previous theorem, \(\langle p(x)\rangle\) is maximal, which is also a prime ideal. If \(p(x)\mid r(x)s(x)\), then \(r(x)s(x)\in \langle p(x)\rangle\). Thus, \(r(x)\in \langle p(x)\rangle\) or \(s(x)\in \langle p(x)\rangle\), which implies the result. ◼


  • \(\text{Commutative ring with unity } \xrightarrow{\text{no proper non-trivial ideals}} \text{ field}\),
  • \(\text{Group} \xrightarrow{\text{no proper non-trivial normal subgroups}} \text{simple group}\).