lbwei space

Solving Linear Equations

#Linear Algebra

\[A\boldsymbol{x} = \boldsymbol{b}\]

e.g. \(A = \begin{bmatrix}1&-2\\3&2\end{bmatrix}\) (coeffient matrix), \(\boldsymbol{x} = \begin{bmatrix}x_1\\x_2\end{bmatrix}\) (variable vector), \(\boldsymbol{b} = \begin{bmatrix}1\\11\end{bmatrix}\)

If a linear equation system is consistent: has solution;inconsistent: no solution

  • row picture

the solution is the intersection(s) of lines, planes, etc

(to visualize: x-y plane)

  • column picture

Find the linear combination of column vectors is to find the solution.

(to visualize: vector space)

(\(x\begin{bmatrix}1\\3\end{bmatrix} + y\begin{bmatrix}-2\\2\end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix}1\\11\end{bmatrix}\))

  • benefit
    • For a given \(A\), the structure of the problem is fixed for all \(\boldsymbol{b}\)

Gaussian Elimination

Elementary Row Operations:

  1. Row exchange (interchange)
  2. Row reduction (row addition)
  3. Scaling
    • augmented matrix
      • do elementary row operation to let \(A\)(coeffient matrix) become upper triangular form
    • then the whole augmented matrix becomes row echelon form

Row Echelon Form (REF)

Define REF

  1. All zero rows should be at the bottom.

  2. Each pivot (leading coefficient, or say leading entry) of a non-zero row should always be strictly at the right of the pivot of the row above.

    leading entry(coefficient): the first non-zero entry of a row

    e.g. \(\begin{bmatrix}11&2&3&4\\0&1&2&5\\0&0&7&9\end{bmatrix}\)

Jordan Elimination

Reduced Row Echelon Form (RREF)

Steps to obtain REF or RREF

  1. Determine:

pivot column: the leftmost non-zero column

pivot position: the top most position (the first row) in a pivot column

  1. In the pivot column, bring any non-zero entry which is not ignored into pivot position. (row exchange)

  2. Change each entry below pivot position into zero. (row reduction)

  3. Ignore the row containing the pivot position (for further operations), and repeat step 1-4 on the submatrix that remains if there is a non-zero row that is not ignored.

    the above 4 steps makes for REF

    w/ represents withw/o represents without

  4. Scale the pivot to make them 1, and change the entries above the pivot into 0s. (backwards: 從右方的 column 開始)

  5. If step 5 was performed using the first row, stop. Otherwise, repeat step 5 on the preceding row.

the above 6 steps makes for RREF

Define RREF

  1. The matrix is in REF

  2. If a column contains the pivot of some row, then all the other entries of that column are 0.

  3. The pivot of each non-zero row is 1.

    e.g. \(\begin{bmatrix}1&2&0&0&4\\0& 0&1&0&5\\0&0&0&1&9\end{bmatrix}\) (\(x_1, x_3, x_4\) are basic variables, while \(x_2\) is a free variable)