lbwei space

(LU) LDU Factorization

#Linear Algebra

equivalent to Gaussian Elimination

LU Factorization

\(A=LU\), where \(L\) is lower triangular, \(U\) is upper triangular (Row echelon form)
(Assume \(A\) is properly permuted, i.e. all pivots are non-zero.)

\[\Pi E_{ij}A = U,\]

where \(E_{ij}\) are Elimination matrices; hence \(L = (\Pi E_{ij})^{-1}\).

\(E_{ij}\): use \(i^{th}\) row to eliminate \(j^{th}\) row for all \(i>j\).

於是 \(L\) 包含了 Gaussian Elim. 的過程資訊,而 \(U\) 為 Gaussian Elim. 的結果。

LDU Factorization

Let \(U_0 = DU\), where \(D\) is a diagonal matrix.

\(A = LDU\), now both \(L\) and \(U\) are unit trnagular matrix.


If A is factorizable, then the \(LDU\) factorization is unique.

Proof hint: Lower and upper triangular matrices are totally different.


We know that \(L = (\Pi E_{ij})^{-1}\), and here is a trick for calculating \(L\).

For instance, \(L = E_{21}^{-1}E_{31}^{-1}E_{32}^{-1}\), which can be shown to be equal to \(E_{21}^{-1} + E_{31}^{-1} + E_{32}^{-1} - 2I\); that is:

\[L = E_{21}^{-1} + E_{31}^{-1} + E_{32}^{-1} - 2I\]

Proof: cont.
