lbwei space

Vector Spaces and Subspaces

#Linear Algebra

The space \(\mathbb{R}^n\) consists of all vectors \(\boldsymbol{v}\) with \(n\) components.

Vector Spaces


A vector space \(V\) is a collection of vectors with two operations

  1. vector addition (element-wise)
  2. scalar multiplication

so that \(\forall \boldsymbol{v}, \boldsymbol{w} \in V, \boldsymbol{v} + \boldsymbol{w} \in V, and \ \forall c \in \mathbb{R}, c\boldsymbol{v} \in V\)

Any linear combination of vectors in \(\mathbb{R}^n\) results in a vector in \(\mathbb{R}^n\).



A subset \(W\) of a vector space \(V\) is called a subspace if \(W\) itself form a vector space with the two operations defined on \(V\) and contains \(\boldsymbol{0}\).

In short, all linear combinations stay in the subspace \(W\). (closedness of \(W\)) (封閉性)

Column space & Null space

  • 以上兩者都是 Four Fundamental Subspaces 之一,非常重要,細節見[另一文章]。



Let \(U\) be a subset of vectors in a vector space \(V\), while \(U\) itself may not be a subspace.

The span of \(U\) consists of all linear combinations of the vectors in \(U\)(including \(\boldsymbol{0}\)), denoted by \(span(U)\).

由向量擴展出的空間 (集合)。

  • \(span(U)\) is always a subspace of \(V\) (refer to the Theorem of subspaces)
  • \(C(A) = span(U)\), where \(U = \{ column\ vectors\ of\ A\}\)

Rank & Nullity

Given \(A_{m\times n}\)

\(rank(A) =\)

  • number of non-zero rows in the RREF of A
  • number of pivots(pivot variable) in \(A\)
  • number of linearly independent column vectors
  • \(span(A)\) 的維度 (dimension)

\(nullity(A) = n - rank(A)\)

  • number of free variables
  • 相對於 \(rank\) 的概念
  • Given \(A_{m\times n}\), \(rank(A) = r\), \(R\) is the RREF of A
    • \[R = I\]
      • \(r = m\) and \(r = n\)
      • \(A\) is square and invertible
      • full column rank (r = n) and full row rank (r = m)
      • a single solution
    • \[R = \begin{bmatrix}I \\ \boldsymbol{0} \end{bmatrix}\]
      • \(r < m\) and \(r = n\)
      • \(A\) is tall and full column rank (r = n)
      • one or no solution
    • \(R = \begin{bmatrix}I\ F \end{bmatrix}\) (\(F\) is a non-zero matrix)
      • \(r = m\) and \(r < n\)
      • \(A\) is wide and full row rank (r = m)
      • \(\infty\) solutions (has free variable(s))
    • \[R = \begin{bmatrix}I\ F\\\boldsymbol{0}\ \boldsymbol{0} \end{bmatrix}\]
      • \(r < m\) and \(r < n\)
      • \(A\) is not full column rank
      • zero or \(\infty\) solution