lbwei space


#Conditional Probability

Table of Content

Conditioning a Random Variable on an Event

\[\begin{align*} p_{X|A}(x) &= P(X=x|A), \tag{1} \\ \sum_x p_{X|A}(x) &= 1, \tag{2} \\ E[X|A] &= \sum_x xp_{X|A}(x), \tag{3} \\ E[g(X)|A] &= \sum_x g(x)p_{X|A}(x), \tag{4} \\ \end{align*}\]

只是加上 condition,其他一切照舊。

Given \(\{A_i\}\) is a partition of the sample space.

In conditional probability, we have

\[P(B) = \sum_i P(A_i)P(B|A_i).\]

Here in conditional pmf, we have

\[p_X(x) = \sum_i P(A_i)p_{X|A_i}(x),\]

and this is called the total probability theorem.

想像 \(B = \{X=x\}\).

Moreover, if we multiply both sides with \(x\) and sum over it, we get

\[\begin{align*} E[X]=\sum_x xp_X(x) &= \sum_x x\sum_i P(A_i)p_{X|A_i}(x) \\ &= \sum_i \sum_x xP(A_i)p_{X|A_i}(x) \\ &= \sum_i P(A_i)\sum_x xp_{X|A_i}(x) \\ &= \sum_i P(A_i)E[X|A_i]. \end{align*}\]

This is called the total expectation theorem.

將樣本空間拆成數個好計算的 disjoint event spaces,個別計算期望值後再依權重(該 event space 的機率)取和。

Conditioning one Random Variable on Another


\[p_{X\vert Y}(x \vert y) = {p_{X,Y}(x,y) \over p_Y(y)},\]


\[p_{X,Y}(x,y) = p_X(x)p_{Y \vert X}(y \vert x) = p_Y(y)p_{X \vert Y}(x \vert y).\]


\[E[X \vert Y = y] = \sum_x xp_{X \vert Y}(x \vert y), \\ E[X] = \sum_yp_Y(y)E[X \vert Y=y].\]

For linearity, we have

\[E[(X+Y) \vert Z] = E[X \vert Z] + E[Y \vert Z].\]

For variance, we have

\[var(X \vert Y) = E[(X-E[X \vert Y])^2 \vert Y] = E[X^2 \vert Y] - (E[X \vert Y])^2.\]



  • Introduction to Probability, 2/e, by Dimitri P. Bertsekas, John N. Tsitsiklis