lbwei space

Bayesian Inference


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假設現在有一訊號 \(S\),經過介質 \(a\) 減弱後,再經過 uniform 雜訊 \(W\) 干擾,最終我們觀測到 \(X\);以上過程可以以一方程式表示


假如介質 \(a\) 是未知的,我們可以「人工」發送訊號 \(S\),並藉由觀察到的 \(X\) 來推論 \(a\);這過程稱為 model building

現在我們已經知道介質 \(a\) 了,於是可以用剛剛得到 model 來推論我們感興趣的「未知」訊號 \(S\);這稱為 variable estimation

除了 estimation 之外,還有另一類 inference 稱為 hypothesis testing:未知變量有數種(有限個)可能的值,目標是最小化錯誤的抉擇。

Bayesian Inference


首先將我們感興趣的未知變量視為一隨機變數 \(\Theta\)(假設離散);我們可以任意地決定其分布,即 prior distribution \(p_\Theta\)。

然後透過觀察,我們可以獲取一些資訊 \(X\);因為 \(\Theta\) 和 \(X\) 相伴發生,所以我們可以得知 \(p_{X,\Theta}\)。又因為已經事先決定 prior distribution \(p_\Theta\),因此 \(p_{X\vert\Theta}\) 也是已知的資訊。

接著使用我們熟悉的 Bayes’ rule 來獲得

\[p_{\Theta\vert X}(\theta\vert X=x),\]

而這就是當我們觀察到 \(X=x\) 時,對 \(\Theta=\theta\) 的「信仰」。

關於 prior distribution 的問題,見這裡那裡


\[\hat{\theta}=g(x) \text{: estimate}, \\ \hat{\Theta}=g(X) \text{: estimator}.\]

MAP (Maximum a posteriori probability)

Find a \(\theta\) such that \(p_{\Theta\vert X}(\theta\vert x)\) is maximized. Then the estimator \(\hat{\theta}\) is equal to such \(\theta\).


LMS (Least Mean Squares)

\(\hat{\theta} = E\big[\Theta\vert X=x\big]\).

上面是 conditional mean。見 LMS revisted

藉由 MAP,我們可以得到最小的 conditional prob. of error

\[P(\hat{\theta} \not = \Theta \vert X=x),\]

並更進一步得到最小的 overall prob. of error

\[\begin{align*} P(\hat{\Theta}\not = \Theta) &= \sum_x P(\hat{\Theta}\not = \Theta \vert X=x)p_X(x) \\ &= \sum_\theta P(\hat{\Theta}\not = \Theta \vert \Theta=\theta)p_\Theta(\theta) \end{align*}\]

也就是說,在 hypothesis testing 下,MAP 總是可以得到最佳 estimate。至於 LMS 留待另外一篇再來說明。

MAP: 觀察到 \(X=x\) 後,猜 \(\Theta=\hat\theta_{MAP}\) 是最佳的。

Beta Distribution

Let \(X \sim \mathcal{Be}(\alpha, \beta)\). Then

\[f_X(x) = {1\over B(\alpha, \beta)}x^{\alpha-1}(1-x)^{\beta-1},\]

where \(B(\alpha, \beta)\) is the Beta function.


Integration (beta function)

\[\int_0^1x^\alpha x^{\beta}dx = {\alpha!\beta!\over (\alpha+\beta+1)!}, \alpha,\beta\ge 0.\]

Proof (flawed)

\[\begin{align*} \int_0^1x^\alpha(1-x)^\beta dx &= \int_0^1x^\alpha \sum_{k=0}^\beta {\beta\choose k}(-1)^{\beta-k}x^k dx \\ &= \int_0^1\sum_{k=0}^\beta {\beta\choose k}(-1)^{\beta-k}x^{\alpha+k} dx\\ \end{align*}\]


\[\lim_{\beta\to\infty} \sum_{k=0}^\beta {\beta\choose k}(-1)^{\beta-k}x^k = \lim_{\beta\to\infty}(1-x)^\beta =0,\ x \in [0, 1],\]

the integral and the summation can interchange by the dominated convergence theorem. Thus, we have

\[\begin{align*} \int_0^1\sum_{k=0}^\beta {\beta\choose k}(-1)^{\beta-k}x^{\alpha+k} dx &= \sum_{k=0}^\beta{\beta\choose k}(-1)^{\beta-k}\int_0^1 x^{\alpha+k}dx. \\ &= \sum_{k=0}^\beta{\beta\choose k}(-1)^{\beta-k}{1\over \alpha+1+k} \\ \end{align*}\]

Reconginzing this pattern, we let \(f(x) = 1/(\alpha+1+x)\), and we have

\[\sum_{k=0}^\beta{\beta\choose k}(-1)^{\beta-k}{1\over \alpha+1+k} = \Delta^\beta f(0).\]

After some observation, we derive that

\[\Delta^nf(x) = {(-1)^nn!\over (\alpha+n+1)^\underline{n+1}}.\]

Therefore, our integral becomes

\[\begin{align*} \int_0^1x^\alpha (1-x)^\beta dx &= {(-1)^\beta \beta!\over (\alpha+\beta+1)^\underline{\beta+1}} \\ &= {(-1)^\beta \alpha! \beta!\over (\alpha+\beta+1)!}, \end{align*}\]

which is a little bit weird since \((-1)^\beta\) shouldn’t be there: Our integral is expected to be positive, for all \(\beta\). This is the flaw mentioned. ◼


The proof above should be scrutinized. Besides the above URLs, the sites below deserve taking a look:
