lbwei space

Linear Model


Table of Content

Recognizing normal PDFs

\[f_X(x) = c\cdot e^{-(\alpha x^2+\beta x+\gamma)},\ \alpha>0,\]

\[X\sim N(-\beta/2\alpha, 1/2\alpha)。\]

其中原理只是簡單的變數對應而已。值得注意是,\(e^{-(\alpha x^2+\beta x+\gamma)}\) 在經過整理後會變成 \(e^d\cdot e^{-\alpha(x+\beta/2\alpha)^2}\),而我們不必擔心 \(c\cdot e^d\) 是否等於 \(1/\sqrt{2\pi}\sigma\),因為既然 \(f_X(x)\) 身為 PDF,不論經過如何的變數處理,她依舊是 PDF。

Linear models

Single observation

設 \(\Theta, W\sim N(0,1)\),且兩者獨立,則

\[f_{X\vert\Theta}(x\vert \theta) \rightarrow X = \theta + W \sim N(\theta, 1)。\]

經過 Bayesian Inference 運算後,可以發現 \(f_{\Theta\vert X}(\theta\vert x)\) is normal,也就是說,

\[\hat{\theta}_{MAP} = \hat{\theta}_{LMS} = E[\Theta\vert X=x],\]

因為 distribution 的最高點就在 mean

Multiple observations

\[X_1 = \Theta + W_1 \\ \vdots \\ X_n = \Theta + W_n\]

這裡 \(\Theta \sim N(x_0, \sigma_0^2)\)、\(W \sim N(0, \sigma_i^2)\),而 \(X\) 是 normal vector

\[f_{X\vert \Theta}(x\vert \theta) = f_{X_1,\cdots,X_n\vert \Theta}(x_1,\cdots,x_n\vert \theta)。\]

在 \(\Theta=\theta_i\) 之下,\(X_i=\theta_i + W_i\);因為 \(W_i\) 間彼此獨立,所以 \(X_i\) 之間亦同。因此上述 joint PMF 可以拆成

\[f_{X\vert \Theta}(x\vert \theta) = \prod_{i=1}^nf_{X_i\vert \Theta}(x_i\vert \theta)。\]

再經過運算和係數比較 ,可以得到

\[\hat{\theta}_{MAP} = \hat{\theta}_{LMS} = E[\Theta\vert X=x] = {\sum_{i=0}^n{x_i\over \sigma_i^2} \over \sum_{i=0}^n{1\over \sigma_i^2}}.\]

\(\hat{\theta}\) 可以看成是 the weighted sum of \(x\)

The mean square error

回想 \(\hat{\Theta}=g(X), \hat{\theta} = g(x)\),於是

\[\begin{align*} E\Big[(\Theta- \hat{\Theta})^2\vert X=x\Big] &= E\Big[(\Theta- g(X))^2\vert X=x\Big] \\ &= E\Big[(\Theta- g(x))^2\vert X=x\Big] \\ &= E\Big[(\Theta- \hat{\theta})^2\vert X=x\Big] \\ &= E\Big[(\Theta- E[\Theta\vert X=x])^2\vert X=x\Big] \\ &= var(\Theta\vert X=x) \\ &= 1/\sum_{i=0}^n{1\over \sigma_i^2}, \end{align*}\]


\[E\Big[(\Theta- \hat{\Theta})^2\Big] = 1/\sum_{i=0}^n{1\over \sigma_i^2}。\]

Multiple parameters

\[X_i = \Theta_0 + \Theta_1t_i + \Theta_2t_i^2 + W_i\]

Solve linear equations to obtain MAP estimate (the equations comes from partial differential).


  • Bayesian confidence interval
