lbwei space

The Poisson Process

#Probability, Statistics

Table of Content


If an process is called a Poisson process, it has small interval probabilities, stated as: For small \(\delta\), the probabilities \(P(k, \delta)\) satisfy

\[\begin{align*} P(0, \delta) &\approx 1 - \lambda\delta, \\ P(1, \delta) &\approx \lambda\delta, \\ P(k, \delta) &\approx 0, &\text{for } k=2, 3,\cdots, \end{align*}\]

where \(P(k, \delta)\) is the prob. of \(k\) arrivals in interval of duration \(\delta\).

Let us approximate a Poisson process with a Bernoulli process. For a time interval \(\tau\), divide it into \(n\) slots such that each slot is of length \(\delta\). Thus \(n = \tau / \delta\). According to our definition, the prob. of an arrival within time \(\delta\) is \(P(1, \delta) \approx \lambda\delta = p\), where \(p\) is the parameter of a Bernoulli r.v. We know that the expected number of arrivals in \(n\) slots is \(np\), which in our case is \(\lambda\tau\). When \(n\to \infty\) and \(\delta\to 0\), \(np = \lambda\tau\) remains constant. From the discussion here, we see that a binomial PMF (\(n\) slots Bernoulli) converges to a Poisson PMF, here, with parameter \(\lambda\tau\). To conclude, we have

\[\begin{align*} P(k, \tau) = e^{-\lambda\tau}{(\lambda\tau)^k\over k!},\ k\in \Bbb N. \end{align*}\]

Note that a Taylor series expansion of \(P(k, \tau)\) exactly yields the small interval probabilities, with a negligible \(O(\tau^2)\) term when \(\tau\) is small.

\(\lambda\) 被稱為 arrival rate。

Time of the \(k\)-th arrival

Let \(Y_k\) be the r.v. of the \(k\)-th arrival. We have

\[\begin{align*} f_{Y_k}(y)\delta &\approx P(y\le Y_k \le y+\delta) \\ &\approx P(k-1, y) \cdot \lambda\delta. \end{align*}\]

After cancelling \(\delta\) from both sides, we have

\[f_{Y_k}(y) = P(k-1, y)\lambda = {\lambda^ky^{k-1}e^{-\lambda y}\over (k-1)!},\]

and this is called the Erlang distribution of order \(k\).

Fresh Start Property

Let \(T_k = Y_k - Y_{k-1}\), which is the \(k\)-th inter-arrival time. Then \(T_1, T_2, \cdots\) are independent, identically distributed exponential r.v.s, and \(Y_k = T_1+\cdots T_k\).

We can also define a Poisson process as a sum of i.i.d exponential r.v.s, which is equivalent to our former definition.



Sum of independent Poisson r.v.s

The sum of two independent Poisson r.v.s, with parameter \(\lambda\) and \(\mu\) respectively, is a Poisson r.v. with parameter \(\lambda + \mu\).

從 convolution 或是 Poisson process(同一 process 切出兩獨立區間,並令 \(\lambda=1\))來看都可以。

Since \(P(k, \tau) \sim \text{Poisson}(\lambda\tau)\), the concatenation of two independent Poisson processes, with arrival rate \(\lambda_1, \lambda_2\) and duration \(\tau_1, \tau_2\), is

\[\text{Poisson}(\lambda_1\tau_1 + \lambda_2\tau_2).\]

Merging and Splitting

Merge: merged process: \(\text{Poisson}(\lambda_1+\lambda_2)\)

Split: resulting streams are \(\text{Poisson}(\lambda q)\) and \(\text{Poisson}\lambda(1-q)\).

The two resulting streams are independent! Unlike those in the case of Bernoulli process.